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The recipe for success starts with the right ingredients…
Christian books and guides to help you grow in your faith, strengthen your relationship with Christ and share the gospel with those around you.
Understanding the Heavens
The enemy uses a threefold cord of adversity to keep us from serving God to our fullest potential. This book is a look into spiritual warfare and areas that often go unnoticed, taking you on a journey from spiritual passivity into a proactive heart for war.
The Letter of James
In this set of studies on the book of James we look at how the Lord exchanges our trials for His engrafted word. On the practical side there is so much to be done from studying this letter. We conclude this series of studies with a final examination on prevailing prayer.
The Greatest of These
One of the most unique aspects of Christianity is that the Creator of the universe draws us, the created, into a place of close relationship with himself. Moving beyond working for God and becoming a friend of God.
Navigating the Way
Navigating the Narrow Way covers three fundamental changes that occur with us, through us, and in us. Transformation through a relationship with God, transformation through the Christian community, and transformation through serving others. Each area of change has a lasting effect on us as our journey unfolds.